
Weekly Attendance

Attendance stands at 97.89% for this week.  Thank you everyone

5th place 6C – 98.56%

4th place 10M – 98.61%

3rd place 4B – 98.89%

2nd place 6G – 99.44%

1st place 4D & 5E  – 100% Brilliant attendance!



Attendance stands at 97.39% for this week.  Thank you everyone!

5th place 5E – 98.01%

4th place 3E – 98.34%

3rd place 4D and 6G – 98.67%

2nd place 6C – 98.97%

1st place 3C  – 99.33% Brilliant attendance!


Safeguarding at Lyndon Green Junior School

Safeguarding Statement for Lyndon Green Junior School

At Lyndon Green Junior School, safeguarding the interests of all of our children is at the heart of our policies and practices.

Lyndon Green Junior School is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care.  We recognise that Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility!

We ensure our Safeguarding policies and principles support the children in our care through

* Prevention through our curriculum and pastoral support offered to pupils and their families

* School’s child protection infrastructure and procedures for identifying and reporting cases (or suspected cases) of abuse or other child protection concerns.

* Procedures for dealing with an allegation made against a member of staff.

* Support for pupils who may have suffered significant harm, and their families.

* Ensure all staff are recruited following our safer recruitment procedures.

We recognise that some children may be the victims of neglect, physical, sexual, emotional and organisational abuse. As with all educational establishments, it is our duty to respond to any concerns by contacting the appropriate services so as to ensure the well-being of all children. This is in line with agreed Birmingham Child Protection procedures.

If you have a concern that a child is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact the following staff member as quickly as possible:-

Designated Senior Person (DSP) – Mrs J. Pitt, if unavailable please speak to Deputy DSP, Mrs H Guest.  If in the unlikely event that both are unavailable please seek the attention of the Head Teacher.

For more information regarding Safeguarding please click on the link below.

Safeguarding Policy