Pupil Premium Statement

2016 – 17 Pupil Premium



The government allocates Pupil Premium funding to schools. This is additional money for children who are entitled to free school meals (FSM) and is aimed at raising the attainment of FSM students. The funding is also extended to pupils who have been eligible for free school meals in any of the previous 6 years.



At Lyndon Green Junior School we recognise that high quality teaching and intervention by trained professionals has the biggest impact on standards. We also recognise the importance of identifying the main barriers to learning for individual children and addressing these, be they academic, social or emotional.


Funding Allocation: £155,760


Allocation and Spend

Please see separate document to see how this funding has been allocated to address the main barriers to educational achievement.

LGJS PP Funding Plan 2016-17 Click on this link to access document for 2016-17


Below are previous years Pupil Premium Statements.

Use Of Pupil Premium Funding Report September 2014 copy

Please click on the link to access the full document PDF